Making a house a home in Indonesia: Sheets, towels, dishes.
Electrically-charged tennis rackets for mosquito combat.
We have learned the hard way that no home is complete without
Mosquito bites are no joke here. You meet the wrong skeeter
and it will put you flat on your ass with Dengue fever. Indonesian critters, in general, are aggressive. The
other day I walked into the bathroom and saw a giant cockroach. I didn’t know
what to do with it because I was pretty sure that, unfortunately, cockroaches come
with the territory when you live in the tropics.
Hence, we purchased a Racket Nyamauk Elektrik. Its
features include: a LED flashlight and, according to the packaging, “a handle
and a mesh surface beautifully making the product much more perfect.” The best
part about this devices is that you plug it into the wall to charge it.
Since we brought it home, John is suddenly like McEnroe,
swatting and swearing all over the house. “The problem with this thing is that
it’s never in the room when you need it,” he lamented, followed by,
"I need some kind of holster.”
It should be noted that we've yet to actually kill a mosquito with this thing. Mosquitos 1, Moyers 0.
mosquito coils burning under your bed are the answer. 2 years in Malaysia with a slow fan over head and a mosquito coil under the bed kept me bite free most of the time!